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Chemical works

Projects Funded
by NDR

2021-2024 Term

David Borchelt

Testing ALS drug synergy in ALS mouse models

Matt Farrer &
Rejko Krueger

CRISPR modified mouse targeting ALS associated metabolic pathways


Investigating the therapeutic potential of drug interventions on the microglia in ALS mouse models

Peng Jin

Epigenetics in ALS patients

Lauren Kokai

Drug efficacy in ALS cell dysfunctional assay; Develop dynamic therapeutic systems

Sayuri Miyamoto

Lipidomics and lipid marker discovery from ALS tissues

Gerardo Morfini

Axon transport and phosphokinase signaling in ALS models

Steven Pelech

Phosphosite antibody reagent development for ALS biomarker discovery

Chris Shaw

Biomarker detection in mice and humans

Teepu Siddique

Regulating protein processing and drug development; ALS commons

Chandler Walker

Restore muscle mass in ALS patients; ASC-CM for ALS therapy

Jessica Morrice

Drugs efficacy in normal cell functional assays, cytokine responses

Robert Naviaux & Robert Pascuzzi

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